Gay Abandon

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Gay Abandon is a lesbian, gay and bisexual choir based in Leeds, West Yorkshire, with about 80 singers.

It was founded in 1997 by Jane Edwardson, who also runs a smaller choir, Deep C Divas.[1] It held its first concert in the Clothworkers' Hall, Leeds, in 1998.

Rehearsals are held at 7:45pm on Tuesdays in term time at the Swarthmore Centre in Leeds. They plan at least one major performance every year, and shorter appearances at other events.

FLOGAs (Friends and Lovers of Gay Abandon) help with front of house and setting up on the day.

Some members of Gay Abandon and some members of the congregation of All Hallows Church in Leeds like to sing sacred choral music, and formed The Sacred Wing.

External links


  1. "Well Worth Coming Out For. London Gay Men's Chorus and Gay Abandon, Leeds" Blog by John Robert Brown.